"Good manners will open doors that the best eduation cannot." Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas
Professionals, hone your skills to maximize your career as a new hire or a seasoned executive. MannersPro’s contemporary approach to the fundamentals of etiquette allows you to make others feel more comfortable so you can present yourself more effectively. Here are a few seminars we can tailor for you or your business organization:
- Communication Skills - Effective communication is vital in our day to day life. We cannot get where we want to be in our business or relationships if we cannot communicate those desires to others. During this seminar we will discuss introductions, conversations, telephone etiquette, verbal communication, and body language. This class offers in-depth details on making the best impression and understanding how to communicate in a way that will help you advance and achieve your goals.
- Lasting Impressions - Lack the skills to keep the conversations going once you left the meeting table? We will discuss issues you face in the professional world from your business card etiquette to effective correspondence and digital dilemmas in the email age. If your career is dependent on keeping up with clients, then this class is for you.
- Meetings Etiquette for Hosts and Guests - Everyone has meetings, some we love, some we hate. We all have been to a meeting that was long, boring and uncomfortable. All that will change after this class. Whether you are the host or a guest you will learn the skills to handle meetings in stride. We will also discuss stage fright and help you tame your fear and speak well to any group for any occasion.
- Travel Tips - Do you travel for your job or are you about to? Take the mystery out of the global taboos and traveling on private planes. Learn what is expected in flight and on the ground. Understand your responsibilities when you travel with your colleagues and if you take a few extra days with your spouse. After this seminar you will know exactly what your clients and boss will expect.
- Job Interviews for Interviewer and Interviewee - We all know how important it is to make a good impression during the interview. This is a very competitive economy and you must make your first impression count. Learn what it takes to make you stand out above your competition. We will discuss preparing for the interview, the appropriate dress/style, the meeting, and the very important follow up. If you are considering a career change or looking for employment then this seminar is a must.
- Co-worker Courtesy - Do you know what it takes to be a good co-worker? We have all had a bad coworker and know that it can make or break each work day. After this class your co-workers will want to work with you and be part of your team. We spend over 2000 hrs a year at work; learn the skills to make your work place a great work place. Topics include loyalty, co-worker courtesy and being the new kid on the block in a company.
- Appearance and Body Language - Appearance is the very first item on the first impression check list. Under dressing & over dressing can be embarrassing. Learn what matters most in your dress code and how to always make your appearance count. Topics will include correct posture, grooming, proper dress for different occasions and accessories.
- Savvy Socializing - Looking forward to social hour? There are a lot of things to consider when planning or attending a social or business networking event. From the complexity of the invitations to the choice of venue make sure you are prepared. Learn the rules of alcohol, dining, tipping and gift giving to keep your events packed and your name on the A-list.
- E-Manners or "Netiquette" - E-manners is the art of communicating in the online world. Have you ever thought about what etiquette rules apply to business emails or other business communications? What about your profiles on social media? This course will give you the rules of the world wide web when it comes to business.
- Intercultural relations - Traveling abroad and doing business with another culture? Do you know whether you kiss, bow, or shake hands when greeting each other? We can prepare you for any business protocol all over the world.